Happy (almost) Halloween!
This morning I was up early to head to the A2 Farmers Market to volunteer for a project for an Environment class I am in. Our project objective was to get involved in the community on an issue pertaining to the environment. I always enjoy being a patron of the Farmers Market but it was fun to play a role in the Market's production today. We helped out with the Halloween activities at the Market including carving pumpkins, and face painting. Amidst all of that we met a lot of really great people including a 14-year-old boy who gladly answered my pesky questions about his families chickens:
Me: "So, how many chickens do you guys have?"
Boy: "Uh, dead or alive?"
Me: "Hmm. . .Both?"
Boy: "Around 2,000." (He then went on to tell about how they are free-range and hormone free! Woo Hoo!)
One of the conversation over the carving of pumpkins was the deliciousness of pumpkin seeds. I've actually never had pumpkin seeds (at least that I can remember) so I decided to give it a try and we all began separating them out here and there so everyone could take some home.
First, bring the seeds to a boil in a pot of water w/ a little salt and then simmer for about 10 minutes.
Next, place them on an oiled cookie sheet. At this point I added salt, pepper and rosemary - but you can season them however you like. The seeds then go in the oven at 400 degrees for 10-20 minutes.
Enjoy your Halloweekend!