Thursday, March 31, 2011

Charm City, Detroit & DC

I realized this morning as I was closing up my suitcase to head to Washington DC that my suitcase has had a lot of use the past month (well, much more than average). One month ago I was in Baltimore for Alternative Spring Break, last weekend in Detroit, and now this blog post is coming to you from Washington DC - and on top of that, I have yet to blog about any of these trips.

It is hard to now blog about an experience I had a month ago but ASB in Baltimore was great. I went on the trip with eleven other super cool people and together we worked on a variety of small projects across the city. One of my favorite experiences was at Our Daily Bread, a soup kitchen that serves anywhere from  500-800 people a day, 365 days a year. The upbeat volunteers and staff were also pretty inspiring. We were there on "slow days" - I can't imagine what busy days look like. Guests are served at their tables instead of shuffling through a line with the option of a vegetarian or meat plate. A pretty interesting view on food can be gained from working in soup kitchens - it is definitely something I want to get involved with in my area.

Not too many foodie pics were taken, but our group did enjoy Iggie's Pizza - Pizza with a Purpose - the first night. So delicious, as one of the girls in my group said "I just don't want it to end."

One of my favorite nights in Baltimore was the night my group cooked dinner. To be honest, I actually didn't help cook dinner, but I did help clean!

So that was Baltimore. You will be hearing a lot more about Detroit soon, last weekend was a quick orientation to the city. Let's just say lots of good food and learning to be had in Detroit during the next few months.

The most important thing right now is DC. My sister is getting married this weekend! So excited and happy for her and the lucky guy!

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